Detecting this need, Amrtyu Foundation thought of a Child For Child (CFC) program in 2006. The sharpening of special kids and their folks, towards the current imbalances around them, is a significant target of CFC. Advantaged youngsters are sharpened about the hardship and torment suffered by the oppressed children. CFC looks to teach a heart and worth framework in the …
Category: Uncategorized
What Is Our Smile On Wheels Program?
Metropolitan ghetto inhabitants experience the ill effects of antagonistic ailments attributable to predominantly two reasons – first the absence of training and in this manner absence of mindfulness; and second the reluctance to lose a day’s pay to arrive at the closest clinical office. Medical services for the oppressed, which is an urgent need, accordingly stay unaddressed. The need of …
How Does Our Medical And Healthcare Program Works?
Official assessments put the number at 3.3 million. From alleviation administrations to instructive drives, from medical services tasks to lodging associations, Amrtyu Foundation NGO work in various circles that contact the day by day lives of underestimated networks the nation over to help in enabling grassroots. Connecting straightforwardly with individuals, Amrtyu Foundation NGO can partake in the idea of interaction …
How Do We Help Youth Through Our Program?
The quantity of oppressed youth in India who need instruction and appropriate direction is gigantic to the point that as indicated by the reports of the Financial Express just 15% of the youthful alumni dropping out of universities are employable; the rest are marked unemployable. It isn’t their absence of hypothetical information that causes this. All things being equal, it …
How Do We Provide Help In Situation Like “Natural Disaster”?
Fiasco hazards in India are additionally compounded by expanding weaknesses identified with evolving socioeconomics, financial conditions-impromptu urbanization, improvement inside high-hazard zones, natural debasement, environmental change, and scourges and pandemics. Every one of these variables has caused a circumstance where catastrophes truly undermine the feasible improvement of the country, other than endless lives and livelihoods. Amrtyu Foundation, with its government assistance …
What Is The Benefit Of Our Women Empowering Program?
A customized system called the ‘4 S Model’ has been created under Amrtyu Foundation’s program, the ladies strengthening program. The ‘4 S Model’ is an abbreviation for four novel methodologies, specifically Seeking Healthcare as a Behavior, Support for Education, Supporters through Male Involvement, and Sustaining the Change in Communities. The program distinguishes juvenile young ladies and ladies from the local …
What Is The Need Of Our Public Level Program?
Amrtyu Foundation’s public level program through its occupation projects prepares poor people and oppressed youth in English Proficiency, Basic Computer Education, and Soft Skills for improving their possibilities of work in the quick extending retail, friendliness, and BPO areas. Up until this point, 47,000 youth have been prepared through the e-learning program and 28,000 have been put in more than …

Amrtyu Foundation considers disaster preparedness and response as a critical aspect of its organizational mandate and has a ‘Disaster Preparedness and Response Strategy’ in place.Amrtyu Foundation also maintains Emergency Response Teams at National and State levels in the country to be able to make timely decisions while deploying trained team members and of relief items stocks during emergencies. Throughout the …
Environment and Forest

To addresses environmental issues such as air pollution, water pollution, and garbage in our country. To educate people about the effect of a polluted environment on our health and long time livelihood. To create task forces/groups among masses in the community to train and spread awareness among society about these you going to awareness among society about their environmental issues. …
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